Vacation Closure Jan. 10-16

We will be closed for a short break, starting Friday, Jan. 10 through Thursday, Jan. 16

Theater Policies

Our goal is for the customer to have the most enjoyable movie watching experience possible. This means delicious snacks, excellent customer service, screening rooms that are free from distractions, in a clean and safe environment.

By purchasing a ticket, the ticket holder agrees to abide by the policies of Park Theater.

Outside Food and Drink

Outside food and drink is not permitted inside Park Theater. Patrons are asked to finish any food prior to entering the theater. Water in a closed water bottle is the only exception.

Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into Park Theater by patrons or consumed on Park Theater property. Breaking this rule will result in the alcoholic beverage being confiscated and disposed of. It may result in the patron being asked to leave without a refund.

Large Bags and Backpacks

Large bags/backpacks are not allowed in Park Theater. This is for safety reasons, as well as to keep people from sneaking food into the theater. Exceptions may be made for medical devices or diaper bags, but we will ask the patron to confirm there’s no outside food or drink or weapons.


No weapons/flammables/explosives of any kind are allowed on Park Theater property (including, but not limited to, permitted weapons). Patrons who disregard this policy will be asked to leave the property without a refund and may be banned from entering the Park Theater.

R-Rated Movies

People who wish to see an R rated movie should be prepared to show their I.D. proving they are at least 17 years of age.

  • Patrons ages 17-20 years may purchase their own ticket after showing their I.D., but may not buy tickets for other people, unless every other person is also present and proven to be at least age 17 (by showing their I.D.)
  • Patrons under the age of 17 must be accompanied by someone age 21 or older (with I.D. as proof), who is seeing the movie with them
  • Notes from parents will not be accepted in place of an I.D. proving the age of a patron
  • Children under the age of 6 will never be permitted to attend a rated R movie, even if accompanied by an adult

    Park Theater will enforce this policy at their discretion. Park Theater is not responsible for people’s children seeing a movie that they don’t have permission to see. (NC-17 movies will follow similar rules – these movies are suitable for adults only and children will not be admitted.)

    Select Seating

    Patrons must select their seat when purchasing their ticket. They must sit in the seat they have chosen, and if they’re not satisfied with it they can have a Park Theater crew member swap their seat for a new one.

    Service Animals

    Service animals (not support animals or companion animals) are welcome at Park Theater.

    According to “Minnesota statute 609.833: It is against the law to misrepresent an animal as a service animal and is punishable by fines and jail time. An emotional support animal is not a service animal and their owners may be liable under this law.”

    No Cell Policy

    Anything that emits light or sound must be disabled and is not permitted to be used during a movie: anytime lights are down and film is running on screen, including trailers. Violators of this policy will be given one warning, followed by ejection from the theater without refund.

    No Shenanigans Policy

    Patrons who are disrupting the movie for other movie goers, or loitering in the bathroom area, or damaging property, may be ejected from the theater without refund, with or without a first warning. If they are asked to leave on multiple occasions they may be banned from the Park Theater.

    No Smoking or Vaping

    Smoking, vaping, and e-cigarettes are not permitted on Park Theater property. Any patron who is caught smoking or vaping indoors will be asked to leave without a refund.

    Security Cameras

    Security cameras are in use at Park Theater and the behavior of patrons will be monitored by Park Theater staff.


    Restrooms are for Park Theater’s paying customers and staff.

    Discounts, Free Passes and Gift Certificates

    Park Theater offers a discounted admission to children age 12 and under.

    Anyone sitting in a seat must purchase a ticket for that seat. Children under the age of 2 who are sitting on a lap may enter for free with a parent/guardian. If a child will be sitting in their own seat, regardless of age, a ticket is required for that seat.

    Free movie passes and discounts are subject to restrictions. They may not be used for certain special events, and during the first 2 weeks of certain films (as dictated by the movie studios).

    Paper gift certificates may be purchased and used like cash at the ticket booth. Electronic gift certificates can be used at the ticket booth or concessions for any amount up to the amount that was gifted to them. No change will be given for paper or electronic gift certificates, vouchers or coupons.

    Vouchers/coupons/free passes handed out by the former owners or other establishments prior to December 31, 2022 will be honored until December 31, 2023. As of January 1, 2024 they will no longer be valid and will not be accepted at Park Theater.

    Refusal of Service

    Park Theater reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

    Film Showtimes

    Film showtimes, schedule, and availability are subject to change with or without notice. Online ticket sales will close 45 minutes prior to the published showtime of a film. An online notice reading “Bookings Closed” does not mean the show is sold out, simply that online bookings are closed. Patrons should visit the ticket booth to obtain tickets after this time. 


    Refunds for tickets are possible before the published showtime of a film. Once a show has begun, a refund cannot be issued.